Major Robert Rogers of the Rangers is not only one the most famous men to come out of Colonial America, he is also one of the most fascinating. This book, reprinted from the rare 1769 Dublin edition of his Journals, allows the major to tell portions of his life his own words. To supplement his accounts, numerous annotations have been added by Tim Todish to give a broader picture of the events described. Most are from eyewitnesses, or at least contemporaries of Rogers. Later secondary sources are used sparingly. Occasionally an annotation, or series of annotations, are used to present the background for the action. Gary Zaboly’s wonderful original illustrations, along with his well-written captions, add an invaluable dimension to this edition. They also fill in some gaps in his life that are not specifically covered in the text of the Journals.
Todish has done a superb job of interpreting the journals of Robert Rogers, shedding new light on the dramatic episodes of the French and Indian War. This volume is the most comprehensive version of Rogers’ journals to date. The well-documented text is replete with intriguing new details of Rogers’ exploits and is complemented by the exceptional drawings of artist Gary Zaboly, which brings the story of the rangers to life as never before.
Dr. Russell P. Bellico
Retired Professor Of Economic History, Westfield State College, Westfield, Massachusetts
During the French and Indian War the fame of Major Robert Rogers blazed like a shooting star. Historian Tim Todish enhances the Journals of this controversial Ranger with accounts of those who were eyewitnesses and participants in the events. This is thoroughly documented history in depth. It is ably supported by the well-researched illustrations and information on weapons, clothing, and equipment provided by Gary Zaboly. Highly recommended, this work is a superb historical contribution.
Colonel Robert Black
U. S. Army, Retired, member of the U. S. Army Ranger Hall of Fame
By producing a new, annotated edition of Rogers’ published Journals, Tim Todish has made the famous ranger’s own account of his services accessible to a wide audience. Rogers’ words, clarified by Todish’s carefully researched notes and enlivened by Gary Zaboly’s fine illustrations, detail the fighting career of one of the most intriguing American soldiers of the eighteenth century.
Brian Leigh Dunnigan
Curator of Maps and Head of Research and Publications, The William L. Clements Library
The Annotated and Illustrated Journals of Major Robert Rogers. Annotated and with an Introduction by Timothy J. Todish. Illustrated and with captions by Gary S. Zaboly.
Trade paperback, 8.5″ x 11″, 344 pp., Purple Mountain Press, Fleischmanns, New York, 2002, $39.00
ISBN # 1-930098-20-0