The British Light Infantryman of the Seven Years’ War was a “chosen man,” proficient at scouting and skirmishing, and more than a match for the French and their wily Indian allies. Shooting rapids in canoes and whaleboats, traversing swamps or jungles and snowshoeing through endless tracts of forest, British redcoats earned a reputation for resilience and resourcefulness as they adapted to the wilderness conditions of North America. Their development was a watershed in the history of irregular warfare, and this beautifully illustrated book provides a full examination of their fighting methods, covering training, tactics and campaigning from Canada to the Caribbean.
British Light Infantryman of the Seven Years’ War: North America 1757-63 by Tim J. Todish and Lt. Col. Ian M. McCulloch. Color plates by Steve Noon, with additional art by Robert Griffing and Gary Zaboly.
Trade paperback, 7.25″ x 9.75″, 64 pp., Osprey Publishing Ltd., Oxford, U.K., 2004, $20.00
ISBN # 1-84176-733-6