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ORdering Info

Thank’s for visiting my website. The following pages will explain how you can order personally autographed copies of my books directly from me.


For dealers  interested in quantity wholesale prices, please contact my publishers: 

  • For Rogers’ and Kirkwood’s Journals, the Pontiac book, and AFFWW, contact Purple Mountain Press at 845-254-4062. 

  • For the Robert Griffing book, contact Paramount Press at 800-647-2901.

  • For the Light Infantry book,  visit

  • For the Gerald F. Ford Council history book, call the council office at 616-785-2662.

  • For the Alamo Sourcebook, call Eakin Press/Wild Horse Media Group at (817) 344-7036.

Tim J. Todish

©  Tim J. Todish

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