Contrary to the belief of many people, America did not fight her first world war in the trenches of Western Europe in 1917-1918. The first world war in which America was involved was fought on our native soil, with an impact on our nation’s history at least as significant as that of the 1917-18 war. Twenty years before the outbreak of the American Revolution, the colonies were locked in a struggle for their very existencea struggle that rarely receives more than a passing word in modern day history books. For some seventy-five years, France and England had engaged in a series of generally inconclusive wars both in Europe and North America. The year 1754 marked the outbreak of the last of these conflicts, which would determine once and for all which power would dominate in North America. This popular history has been fully rewritten and new illustrations have been added.
This illustrated digest of the Seven Years War fought in North America is an excellent primer for any student of eighteenth-century military history. It concisely tells the story of conflict in the wilderness and how the colonists of New France and New England, reinforced by regulars from their mother countries and with their respective Indian allies, made war North American-style. Todish is an expert in the small arms, dress and tactics of the day, a reenactor of many years experience. His penchant for storytelling, but sticking closely to the facts, makes for a high-paced informative style.
Lt. Col. Ian McCulloch
Canadian Forces, former commanding officer, the Black Watch Regiment of Canada
Timothy J. Todish has done the impossible…he has improved upon his original version of America’s FIRST First World War. Bringing to life original accounts from the French and Indian War, along with recently discovered information regarding key moments in the conflict that would settle once and for all who (England or France) would win the North American continent by force of arms. Readers are given a full understanding of the basic elements that shaped the conduct of the war…from young George Washington at Fort Necessity, to Major Robert Rogers daring raid on St. Francis. It s all here, and more! Written in a style that s rich and vibrant, yet easy to read. No library is complete without a copy of Todish’s book.
Christopher Matheney
Site Manager: State-House Education and Visitors Center, Ohio Historical Society, and portrayed Major Robert Rogers in the History Channel Series Frontier: Legends of The Old Northwest
This book does well what many writers find hard to do: explain military maneuvers clearly to the uninitiated.
Neal Burdick
Associate Director of Communications, St. Lawrence University
America’s First First World War: The French and Indian War, 1754, 1763, by Timothy J. Todish. Illustrated with photographs by the author and art by Gary Zaboly.
Trade paperback, 6″ x 9″, 127 pp., Purple Mountain Press, Fleischmanns, New York, 2002, $15.00
ISBN # 1-930098-19-7