This highly illustrated book is a complete guide to the Alamo and the Texas Revolution. Included are the siege and final battle for the Alamo, the armies, their weapons, uniforms and equipment, the flags, mini-biographies of both Texian and Mexican leaders, Alamo movies and music, organizations to join, historic places to visit, and more. Scores of illustrations have been researched for historical accuracy. A feature of the book is a full-color drawing of the Alamo compound as it would have appeared in 1836.
Alamo Sourcebook 1836 is an indispensable reference for anyone interested in the dramatic story of the Texas War of Independence. It not only contains a vivid account of the siege of the Alamo and other clashes between the Texians and Mexicans, but all sorts of information on the opposing forces-their leaders, organizations, weapons, uniforms, strategy, and tactics. There is also an informative chapter on Alamo movies and songs. TheAlamo Sourcebook may not contain everything there is to know about the Alamo and the men who fought there, but it is the best starting place for both serious scholars and casual readers alike.
Gregory J. W. Urwin
Ph.D., Professor of History, Temple University
[Alamo Sourcebook 1836] is indeed all the title implies and should find a place on the shelves of every elementary, intermediate, and high school in Texas.
Henry Wolff Jr.
The Victoria Advocate
As its title suggests, this is a reference guide for serious students of the fight between Texas and Mexico, covering everything from the type of tents each army had, to mini-profiles of the major participants in the revolution.
Mike Cox
The Austin American-Statesman
There is a day-by-day account of both the Alamo siege and the entire Revolution. The authors are not afraid to give all versions of conflicting accounts with only occasional (and usually well defensible) commentary on which is more probable. They take particular pains to point out where the facts are at a variance with the Hollywood versions . . .
Paul Cardwell Jr.
The Paris News
Alamo Sourcebook is an excellent introduction to the Alamo story, and also a good sourcebook for those who already have a firm knowledge of the epic of the Alamo. Vast amounts of information are packed into this one volume. . . .Last year I was asked to give a talk to some fifth graders . . .on the Alamo. I passed my copy of Alamo Sourcebook around the class during my talk, and was amazed at how quickly. . .the students were able to zero in on interesting questions to ask.
Bob Durham, founder of the Alamo de Parras web site
Yours is one of those books that when I saw it I wished that it had been around 30 years ago.
Bill Groneman
Alamo author and historian
Alamo Sourcebook 1836: A Comprehensive Guide to the Alamo and the Texas Revolution, by Tim J. and Terry S. Todish. Illustrations by Ted Spring.
Trade paperback, 8.5″ x 11″, 228 pp., Eakin Press, Austin, Texas, 1998, $24.95
ISBN # 1-57168-152-3